• Project
  • Northeast
  • Regional
  • Organizational Change Management
  • Strategic Planning

Western Connecticut Council of Governments Organizational Strategic Planning

August 3, 2021 Andy Marzo

The Challenge

Western Connecticut is home to some of the most diverse communities in Connecticut, ranging from small rural towns to large urban cities. As a relatively young organization, WESTCOG has been tasked with acting as a regional facilitator working to unify it’s member communities around a common vision for the region. In order to achieve this, WestCOG required a comprehensive organizational assessment coupled with the development of the organization’s first strategic plan, mission, and vision statements. Together, the organization along with it’s council and member communities wish to use these elements as a roadmap to help inform future strategic initiatives and services. Specifically, WESTCOG wishes to develop a plan that is inspiring in its visionary elements, but also achievable through the development of concrete strategies and tasks that can be executed by WESTCOG and its many stakeholders in the immediate term.

The Solution

WestCOG hired Camoin Associates to lead the facilitation and development of a comprehensive strategic plan and mission/vision development to inform the organization’s future growth and initiatives. In order to achieve these goals, Camoin Associates has undertaken a variety of initiatives including a robust stakeholder outreach effort, organizational and governance best practices research, an internal and external organizational assessment, and the facilitation of multiple staff and council workshops.

The Impact

While still ongoing, Camoin Associates will provide WESTCOG with a strategic plan that is comprehensive and focuses on implementation and achieving measurable outcomes for the organization and its members.