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📝White Papers
Navigating Growth: EDO Websites as Catalysts for Business Attraction
December 2023
Discover how your website can become your most powerful tool in economic development. Our comprehensive white paper delves into the pivotal role of effective web design in attracting businesses and fostering growth. Explore actionable insights, success stories, and industry best practices to elevate your digital presence and drive results.
Economic Impact Analysis White Paper
July 2023
This white paper gives municipalities, economic development organizations, real estate developers, nonprofits, and other organizations information about how to use economic impact analysis to understand and quantify how new projects, events, or investments impact the local economy (jobs, earnings, tax revenue, etc.). Contents include economic impact models, process, best practices, and case studies.
Fiscal Impact Analysis White Paper
September 2022
This white paper gives municipalities and developers insight into using fiscal impact analysis to understand how new developments and land uses influence revenues, expenditures, and the fiscal condition of a taxing jurisdiction. Contents include methodology, land use considerations, and case studies.
The Case of Disappearing Main Street Retail
January 2017
This white paper, written in partnership with Hrishue Mahalaha from Innovation Economy Partners, gives community leaders and economic developers information about how to revitalize and grow stagnant main street retail areas. It shares five trends that will influence the future of successful retail and provides recommendations for how to move forward.
Utilizing Industry and Market Data to Target Market Your Community
March 2024 | 1 hour, 5 minutes
Economic Development and Workforce Development Collaboration: Best Practices and Case Studies
March 2015 | 1 hour, 31 minutes
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014: What it Means to Economic Development
February 2015 | 1 hour, 30 minutes
The Role and History of Workforce Development through the 1998 Workforce Investment Act
January 2015 | 1 hour, 22 minutes
So how did “workforce development” get started, and why? This webinar answers those questions.
The Disconnect Between Education and Workforce Development and What This Means for the Future of the Workforce
December 2014 | 1 hour, 28 minutes
What we’ll learn: We can’t talk about workforce development and why it is needed or not needed until we grasp what education is doing (or not doing) to prepare people to support themselves in life. Therefore, for this first installment in the Bridging the Gap series, we’ll discuss:
- The definition of education
- Philosophies of education
- Who determines what is important in creating an educated person
- The definition of workforce development
- EFF standards and how do they help bring clarity to what is needed for a person to be “work ready” and more
💡Conference Slide Decks
“Partnering for Prosperity: Leveraging Workforce Development Boards in Economic Growth Strategies”
2024 NYATEP/NYSEDC Partners for Workforce and Economic Development Conference
“The Case for New Metrics in Entrepreneurship-Led Economic Development”
2024 International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Annual Conference
“FDI Activity in the SEDC Region”
2024 Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC) Meet the Consultants American South Site Selection Summit
“Metrics That Matter for Equitable Entrepreneurship”
2024 International Conference on Business Incubation: ICBI38
“Designing Impactful Metrics for Equitable Economic Development”
2023 International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Leadership Summit
“IDAs: A Shift in Focus”
2023 New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals (NYATEP)
“The Economic Impact of New York State’s IDAs: 2021 Update”
2023 New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC) Annual Conference
“Making the Case: Best Practices for Cost-Benefit Analysis”
2023 NYSEDC Economic Development Conference
“One Size Does Not Fit All: Customizing Industry Sector Pipeline Strategies”
2023 NYATEP/NYSEDC Partners for Workforce and Economic Development Conference
“A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste”
2022 IEDC Economic Future Forum
“How Local Economies Can Benefit from Outdoor Recreation Trends”
2022 Maine Outdoor Economy Summit (MOES)
“Economic Development Post-COVID: Making Sense of a Tidal Wave of Information”
2021 New England States Government Finance Officers Association
“IDA Impact Analysis: How IDAs are Leading Community Development and Modernizing Their Local Economies”
2021 IDA Academy and NYSEDC Conference
“Space-Based Economic Development: The Race to the Stars”: Full Session at SEDC’s 2024 Annual Conference
July 2024
The full-length video of the plenary session Camoin Associates sponsored at the Southern Economic Development Council’s (SEDC) annual conference in Savannah, GA. Led by Camoin Associates’ Senior Vice President, Dan Gundersen, FM, HLM, the session featured industry experts Kelli Kedis Ogborn from Space Foundation and Alex MacDonald from NASA.
Camoin Associates Presents: Entrepreneurship and Innovation with Christa Franzi, CEcD
November 2022
Camoin Associates Presents: Remote Working with Rachel Selsky, AICP
August 2022
A discussion with Camoin Associates’ Vice President and COO Rachel Selsky, AICP, about her job and the firm’s decision to go 100% remote in 2021.
Expert Commentary from “Economic Change in a World Divided” Session at IEDC’s 2022 Annual Conference
September 2022
This video was created for Camoin Associates’ “Economic Change in a World Divided” featured session at the International Economic Development Council’s Annual Conference in Oklahoma City. It includes excerpts of expert commentary from: Wendy Feliz, Director, Center for Inclusion and Belonging, American Immigration Council; Matt Leighninger, Head of Democracy Innovation, National Conference on Citizenship; and Valerie Lemmie, Director of Exploratory Research, Kettering Foundation.
Economic Development Today by Dan Gundersen, FM, HLM
February 2020
Economic Development touches the lives of everyone, everywhere. This presentation lays out a chronology of development in America, explains how traditional approaches to the field of economic development are changing and provides six fundamentals for achieving economic prosperity in local communities. Portions of this presentation help kick-off a discussion on defining Economic Development at the 2020 Economic Development Conference of NYSEDC.
What is the Point of Economic Impact Analysis?
October 2017
Think your project might benefit from an economic impact analysis? In this video, we explain why you might take on an economic impact analysis and what’s involved.
Expansion Solutions Magazine
Since 2014, Camoin Associates staff have been writing articles for Expansion Solutions magazine that offer a deep dive into a variety of specific industries, as well as workforce development-related topics.
View Our Expansion Solutions Article Archive
Economic Development Navigator Blog
Our Economic Development Navigator blog features project profiles and hundreds of articles written by our leadership and staff on a wide variety of topics. New articles are published regularly on our website and shared with subscribers to our monthly e-newsletter. Subscribe today!
Trending On The Navigator
Real Estate Development and Housing
Home Sweet Home: The Puzzle of Modern Housing Demand
A comprehensive housing needs analysis relies on identifying both the primary sources driving housing demand and the additional challenges faced by specific populations who are already housed. Addressing these sources of housing demand is essential for fostering sustainable, equitable, and vibrant communities.
Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis
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Industry Analytics and Strategy
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