Real Estate Development Services >

Developer Advisory Services

Camoin Associates’ Real Estate Development Services Team is experienced in advising real estate developers on their most complex and challenging projects. We understand the intricacies of the development process, and we have a proven track record of helping our clients get their projects to the finish line.

Our clients range from small-scale developers to large real estate corporations, and we have worked on projects across a wide variety of asset classes, including residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use properties. Whether you are looking to acquire land, develop a new property, or reposition an existing asset, we have the expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Two images show the outline of a planned real estate development over the top of an aerial photo of a rural community and a variety of printed data charts with magnifying glass laying on top

Our Developer Advisory Services

Market Analysis

Camoin Associates are experts in conducting real estate market analysis to pinpoint market opportunities for properties and sites in urban, suburban, and rural areas. We have assisted clients in identifying use potential for undeveloped sites, vacant and underutilized buildings, and underperforming properties. We leverage careful data analysis, market intelligence interviews, and professional experience to conceive of market-supported development concepts.

Financial Feasibility Analysis

The analysts at Camoin Associates are adept at building and reviewing pro forma statements that model the financial feasibility of all types of projects and funding structures. We provide detailed sensitivity analysis that determines the key sources of risk for a project.

Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis

Camoin Associates staff is skilled at performing economic and fiscal impact analysis to demonstrate the impacts of development projects on local job creation and economic output, as well as tax revenue generation and public service costs. Our clear, objective analysis proves critical in demonstrating the value of development projects to public stakeholders.

Public-Private Partnerships

With a range of clients in both the public and private sectors, Camoin Associates is skilled in bringing multiple interests to the table to negotiate mutually beneficial public-private partnerships. Our analysis is frequently relied upon to ensure that development incentives are fair and effective. We are skilled in the negotiation and analysis of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and Payment-in-lieu-of-Taxes (PILT) agreements.

Featured Developer Advisory Projects

Dexter Street CommonsA multi-story apartment building under construction
Pawtucket, RI

Spurred by the development of a new commuter rail station in Pawtucket, the City planned to issue special obligation bonds to finance certain public and private infrastructure improvements to support real estate development projects. Camoin Associates prepared a market feasibility study and pro forma review to confirm the viability of the project and support the bond issuance.

Garvies Point
Glen Isle, NY

Garvies Point is a $1 billion mixed-use waterfront development in Glen Isle, Long Island, NY, featuring luxury condos and rental apartments; dining, shopping and entertainment; recreational trails; and a marina. Camoin Associates performed an economic and fiscal impact analysis to demonstrate how a first-in-kind combination of PILT-increment-financing (PIF) and tax increment financing (TIF) could be used to support the issuance of a bond to complete necessary infrastructure improvements related to the project.

Contact Us to Learn More About Our Brownfield Redevelopment Services

Vice President and Director of Research Tom Dworetsky

Contact Tom Dworetsky, AICP, Vice President and Director of Research:
P 518-899-2608, Ext. 125