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Real Estate Market Analysis and Development Strategy

Camoin Associates brings a broad range of experience analyzing real estate markets across the country and determining project feasibility in a wide variety of settings. We understand how well-positioned development can tap into unmet demand to revitalize sites, buildings, neighborhoods, and communities.

In addition to comprehensively analyzing real estate market dynamics, our step-by-step development strategies provide a roadmap to implement successful projects. We show not only what can be done, but how to do it.

Line Graph Overlaying Wood House Models

Our Real Estate Market Analysis and Development Strategy Services

Communitywide Market Analysis

Using best-in-class data sources and proven qualitative intelligence-gathering methods, our team will assess your local and regional market conditions and identify specific market opportunities and the constraints that need to be overcome.

A community market analysis can spur economic revitalization by

  • providing the groundwork for recruiting private developers
  • modernizing zoning
  • planning and prioritizing capital improvements
  • supporting local businesses and property owners

Site and Project Feasibility Studies

Priority development sites and challenging properties require nuanced feasibility assessment to align market opportunities with property-specific advantages (and challenges).

From historic properties and legacy industrial complexes to vacant infill sites and former retail centers, our team has the skills to uncover market opportunities, including complex and creative redevelopment scenarios. Plus, our partner network of engineers, architects, landscape architects, and other professionals allows us to explore development feasibility from all angles.

Development Strategy

A development strategy is your roadmap to realizing the opportunities identified by the market analysis through real-on-the-ground projects. Our team uses traditional and non-traditional approaches to implement projects, including zoning updates, developer recruitment, infrastructure improvements, placemaking, and crowd-sourced funding.

Our strategies are designed to overcome market challenges, set the stage for private investment, and help you ambitiously engage private sector partners in collaborative approaches to revitalize sites, neighborhoods, and communities.

Different types of commercial, residential, and mixed use real estate development projects

Featured Projects

Downtown Market Analysis
Village of Holley, NY

The Village enlisted a multi-disciplinary team, including Camoin Associates, to assess the market opportunities for Holley. The analysis considered residential, retail, and industrial demand and aligned those findings with the assets available in the village.

The analysis concluded that establishing retail sectors and increasing Holley’s profile with regional economic development organizations (EDOs) to leverage the village’s strengths would be key to business development and diversifying commercial activity in the Village Square and attracting attention to the Holley Business Park. In addition, using digital and in-person marketing tools to spread the word about high-impact redevelopment opportunities would also be important to put Holley on the map of regional developers.

Brunswick Landing Market Survey
Brunswick, ME

Camoin Associates was hired to produce an independent and objective survey and to determine achievable market-based rental rates for a planned development at Brunswick Landing. We leveraged information gleaned from brokerages, along with CoStar data, to determine competitive pricing based on comparable properties, taking into consideration the differing amenities.

Industrial and Warehouse Real Estate Study
Brookhaven, NY

This Long Island hamlet witnessed a surge in applications from developers eager to construct several sizable warehouses and distribution centers. These were accompanied by requests to the Brookhaven Industrial Development Agency (IDA) for special tax considerations. The IDA became concerned that excessive development may have adverse impacts on the community and engaged Camoin Associates to perform a real estate study, evaluating the amount of new warehouse and distribution space required to meet rapidly increasing demand, fueled by online retailers and growing needs from other nearby communities.

Economic Development Strategy, Zoning Audit, and Opportunity Area Analysis
Town of Groton, CT

The Town retained Camoin Associates and the engineering firm VHB to lead them through a dynamic, robust market area analysis with the goals of strengthening Groton’s economy and boosting its tax revenues.

The innovative approach introduced by Camoin Associates, which was grounded in thorough market research and analysis of the local economy, included reviewing current zoning regulations with the intention of simplifying and streamlining the development review process. The final marketing strategy included a website audit, cut-sheets for business attraction, an e-newsletter, and planned social media activity.

Contact Us to Learn More About Our Real Estate Market Analysis and Development Strategy Services

Tom Dworetsky

Contact Tom Dworetsky, AICP, Vice President and Director of Research:
P 518-899-2608, Ext. 125