• Project
  • Northeast
  • Urban
  • County
  • Strategic Planning

Albany County, NY Strategic Plan

The Challenge

As the home of the State Capital, a state-of-the-art healthcare system, and world class educational institutions, Albany County benefits from a stable, consistent economic base. Yet, the challenges that exist include the county’s ability to attract professional talent and retain young people to support future economic growth, a lack of strong identity and overall negative image, aging infrastructure, and a disconnected economic development system lacking for strong leadership and clear, well-defined roles and responsibilities. These challenges place Albany County at a disadvantage for attracting private investment, business and talent attraction, along with retaining businesses within the county.

The Solution

Albany County hired Camoin 310, in partnership with Bergmann, to conduct a strategic plan to enhance quality of life and accelerate economic growth throughout Albany County.  Camoin identified projects and initiatives within four main goal areas: (1) Fill the leadership gap and align regional resources, 2) Target investments around catalytic projects and critical infrastructure (3) Nurture, retain, and attract top talent around growth sectors, and (4) Transform Albany County’s image.

The Impact

The Strategic Plan prepared the County with projects and initiatives to become the ‘need to be” and ‘want to be’ location for companies to locate and prosper. The County Executive retained Camoin 310 to provide leadership to implement the Strategic Plan, including formation of a new development Authority, education outreach and rebranding.