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Business Park Market Analysis and Economic Development Plan in Rochester, NY

October 2, 2022

Rochester New YorkThe Challenge

The Eastman Business Park represents a massive opportunity for new industrial and business development for the City of Rochester and the State of New York. Historically known as Kodak Park, the Eastman Business Park has a 1,200-acre campus employing over 6,000 people. However, even with this enormous potential, the park lacked a cohesive vision.

The Solution

The business park retained Camoin Associates, who partnered with Bergmann, an engineering and planning firm, to create a comprehensive master plan.

Phase 1 of the project included a real estate market analysis, existing conditions analysis, competitive assessment, and return on investment analysis for four strategic sites within the park. The Camoin Associates-Bergmann team worked with park representatives to develop a plan that recreated its identity as an internationally recognized hub for high-tech manufacturing and provided a framework for future development that used market trends to suggest uses for each site that would result in economic growth for the surrounding area.

The consulting team is currently working on Phase 2 of the project, which includes an economic and fiscal impact analysis of the master plan upon implementation, financial recommendations and guidance, and developer engagement.

The Impact

Since Camoin Associates and Bergmann began work, the Eastman Business Park has begun to experience a revival. It was recently announced that Precision Optical Transceivers will set the trend for the photonics industry by relocating to the business park, bringing with them new job opportunities and cutting-edge technology.

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