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  • Northeast
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  • Strategic Planning

Townwide Market Analysis and Strategy for New Milford, CT

March 16, 2021

Downtown New Milford, CT

The Challenge

New Milford is a community committed to preserving its rural, small-town character while also seeking new opportunities to strengthen its tax base and provide family-wage earning jobs for the future.

It seeks to bring new economic activity to support existing business, strengthen the extraordinary appeal of the town, and actively move forward with appropriate residential development to support economic development and job growth

The Solution

To advance these objectives, the Town of New Milford retained the team at Camoin Associates and Milone & Macbroom to conduct a town-wide market analysis and develop economic strategies that will enable the town and supporting committees to make well-supported decisions around land-use planning and economic development.

The Impact

Leaders in New Milford used the recommendations to change the trajectory and strengthen its economy

Services Provided:

  • Real estate market analysis
  • Industry market
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Strategy development