• Project
  • Southeast
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Organizational Change Management
  • Regional

Designing a “Venture Hub” in Central Virginia

Camoin 310 developed the Economic Growth and Diversification plan for Region 9 in 2017, which stated:

“Region 9 should support the development and operations of strong entrepreneurial assistance programs throughout the region. It should also aim to eliminate duplication and increase collaboration, while consolidating operations to obtain critical mass.”

As such, the GO Virginia Region 9 Council, and its Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Working Group developed the concept of the Venture Hub to fill in the gaps in the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Camoin 310 and partners Catherine Renault of Innovation Policyworks and Erik Pages of EntreWorks Consulting were then retained to develop a business plan for the “Venture Hub” concept.

The “Venture Hub’s” central role is to enable connections between and among entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial support resources. A robust regional ecosystem is emerging in Region 9, and its development will be accelerated thanks to the “Hub”, which will provide four services currently missing from Region 9’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The “Venture Hub” initiative’s ultimate success will be measured by multiple metrics, but its bottom-line goals are simple:  to help more local people to start new businesses and to help those businesses become successful in terms of jobs, innovation, and their overall contribution to the regional economy.

Client: Central Virginia Region 9 – GO Virginia Region 9 Council


  • Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Assessment
  • Case Studies of “Venture Hub” like Organizations
  • Business Plan Development

Real Results