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  • Town/City/Village
  • Real Estate Development and Housing

Energizer Factory Reuse Market Analysis and Strategy in Bennington, ME

April 6, 2021

Bennington, VermontThe Challenge

Energizer’s battery factory in Bennington was one of the region’s most significant employers before closing in 2019. The closure had a devastating impact on the town not only from job losses but also from the 300,000+ square foot industrial brownfield facility left vacant in the heart of the community, which was a threat to neighborhood vitality.

The Solution

The Town and its partners at the Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC) hired Camoin Associates to conduct a reuse study and strategy to set the stage for the revitalization and reuse of the property.

Camoin Associates conducted a real estate market analysis and community needs assessment that identified three creative mixed-use redevelopment options, each anchored by residential components to address urgent housing needs.

After identifying a preferred development alternative based on a feasibility assessment, Camoin Associates prepared a detailed financial feasibility analysis to identify a redevelopment “funding gap,” as well as available resources and funding strategies to fill that gap. A strategic plan and marketing collateral were also developed to assist the Town in attracting new investment.

The Impact

The Town and BCRC continue to work with the property owners to market the property and recruit potential developer interest in repurposing the factory.

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