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  • Real Estate Development and Housing

Housing Diversity Study in Cape Elizabeth, ME

September 14, 2022

Cape Elizabeth, MaineThe Challenge

Cape Elizabeth, ME, is challenged with meeting the housing needs of its residents and workers. The town’s natural amenities have made it a popular place to both live and visit, but this popularity has also resulted in high housing costs and limited housing diversity.

Restrictive zoning, limited development capacity, high land costs, and mixed community sentiment toward affordable housing development have all contributed to only a limited number of affordable housing units being constructed over the last several decades.

The Solution

The Town of Cape Elizabeth hired Camoin Associates to prepare a comprehensive Housing Diversity Study as a foundation document and guide for local decision-making on housing issues. The study consisted of three volumes including:

  1. A data package that quantified the situation
  2. A discussion of housing goals that recommended specific housing unit creation goals that would serve the various target populations in need of housing
  3. A strategy framework that provided a menu of strategies and actions that the Town could undertake to address the lack of housing diversity and affordability in the community

The Impact

The Housing Diversity Study is being used by the Town’s newly formed Housing Diversity Study Committee to move forward with goal setting and action implementation.

READ THE Housing Diversity Study (PDF)

Services Provided by Camoin Associates

  • Sociodemographic analysis
  • Local housing market needs assessment
  • Affordability metrics
  • Housing creation goal setting
  • Housing typology review
  • Strategies and recommendations to address housing needs

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