• Project
  • Northeast
  • Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis
  • Downtown

Making the Case for Why Downtowns are Critical for a State’s Economic Future

August 15, 2018

Making the Case for Why Downtowns Matter

In Connecticut, downtowns and main streets have historically and continue to be a key element for the state’s economic well-being. Not only do they contain its history and identity, but they are unique living organisms that affect how people engage. Downtowns are necessary for competing in the future economy and are critical to any healthy economic ecosystem.

Focused, well-defined strategies and investment into Connecticut’s downtowns could take the state to a future of economic prosperity. In that spirit, Camoin Associates was retained by the Connecticut Main Street Center make the case for Connecticut downtowns by answering several core questions:

  • Why do downtowns matter?
  • How do downtowns drive economic growth?
  • Why do Connecticut downtowns matter?
  • How does Connecticut unlock the potential of its downtowns?

The report, Connecticut Downtowns Matter. Here’s Why., presents the results of national research as well as the case studies for three Connecticut communities all making the case for why investment in downtowns is vital for Connecticut’s economic resiliency today and into the future.

Connecticut Main Street Center is currently using this body of work to make the case to State, regional, and local officials for continued investment in the state’s main streets and urban centers. As part of this work, Camoin Associates developed a Downtown Development Economic Impact Model and a Downtown Financial Resource Navigator. Once launched, these tools will be used by CMSC and its members to better understand economic impacts associated with downtown development and quickly identify available funding to support critical downtown projects.