• Project
  • Midwest
  • Regional
  • Prospecting and Business Attraction
  • Manufacturing

Ohio Southeast Lead Generation Campaign

July 24, 2021 Karen Meier

The Challenge

Looking to attract business investment to the 25-county region of eastern and southern Ohio, Ohio Southeast Economic Development (OhioSE) was in search of connections with businesses in the area’s six targeted sectors. The sectors of interest include: Automotive, Polymers/Plastics, Metal Fabrication, Food Processing/Packaging Equipment, Petro/Specialty Chemicals, and Hardwood Products.

The Solution

Camoin Associates has worked with OhioSE for multiple years to conduct outreach to business executives with the goal of identifying qualified companies in the targeted sectors that have plans for future change and would consider the Ohio Southeast region. Starting from a list of thousands of potential businesses, Camoin Associates’ engagement professionals conduct direct phone outreach on behalf of OhioSE to identify potential prospects for follow up phone calls.

The Impact

The result of these calling campaigns has included some site visits to the region and connections with potential prospects that would consider the Ohio Southeast region for their next move. OhioSE is continuing to nurture these relationships with the hope for investment and job creation in the near future.  Camoin Associates is continuing to work for OhioSE to identify prospects for investment and support their team in business attraction.