• Project
  • Southeast
  • Regional
  • Manufacturing
  • Prospecting and Business Attraction

Southern Virginia Regional Alliance Marketing Mission

July 24, 2021 Karen Meier

The Challenge

SVRA was looking to establish relationships with businesses in their target industries of advanced manufacturing, advanced materials, wood products, and food processing who were planning for future expansion or relocation opportunities. Specifically, they were hoping to travel to the Cleveland, Ohio, and Pittsburgh region for qualified meetings with executives and decision makers.

The Solution

Over the past several years, Camoin Associates has been hired to assist with identifying companies in the targeted areas that have plans for future moves. After researching thousands of companies, Camoin Associates’ professional callers conduct direct phone outreach to each of them on behalf of SVRA.

The Impact

The result of these calling campaigns has been connections with potential prospects that would consider SVRA for their next move. SVRA is continuing to nurture these relationships with the hope for investment and job creation, soon.