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  • Industry Analytics and Strategy

Supply Chain Opportunities Study: Ethane Cracker Facility in West Virginia

July 30, 2021 Jim Damicis

The Challenge

In response to a proposed ethane cracker facility in Washington County, West Virginia, two regional councils representing counties in both West Virginia and Ohio jointly commissioned a study to determine how the combined 16-county region could benefit from potential opportunities in industries that are part of the ethane supply chain. Camoin Associates teamed with Thomas P. Miller & Associates as part of a multi-functional team for this project.

The Solution

Camoin Associates led the market research component of the study, which included benchmarking regions with comparable facilities, mapping the ethane supply chain, identifying potential target industries, and interviewing companies. Camoin conducted extensive research on chemicals manufacturing, plastics manufacturing, and other natural-gas related industries to support the development of business attraction strategies that will enable the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council and the local communities to make the case for locating in the region.

The Impact

The region is well prepared to take advantage of ethane cracking facilities in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.