• Project
  • Southeast
  • Regional
  • Prospecting and Business Attraction

Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority Lead Generation

August 3, 2021 Karen Meier

The Challenge

The Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority (VCEDA), a regional economic development authority of seven-counties and one city in southwestern Virginia was seeking the services of a qualified prospecting firm to evaluate VCEDA’s targeted industry market sectors and conduct targeted economic development lead generation marketing services to attract new business to the VCEDA region.

The Solution

Camoin Associates was retained for a 12-month contract to design and implement a robust plan of prospecting that targeted certain key industries known to cluster and succeed in the area. The project plan included the identification of viable target companies through research and then outreach – with a goal of establishing 12 qualified meetings between a VCEDA representative and interested key executive at the company.

The scope of work included a client orientation to cover project scope, client expectations, qualification parameters, geographic focus and target industry refinement. Throughout the contract term, regular status updates provided the client with intel on what our team was hearing real time, allowing the project team to pivot as needed to ensure Camoin was able to deliver the best quality leads.

The Impact

The quality of the lead deliverables from this contract has led the VCEDA to continue to retain Camoin Associates for this specific service on a rolling 12-month contract for over 5 years. The leads that have been identified through these ongoing efforts have resulted in a number of site visits and project announcements for the region.