• Navigator
  • Business Retention and Expansion (BRE)
  • Prospecting and Business Attraction

WHITE PAPER: EDO Websites as Catalysts for Business Attraction

December 19, 2023

Navigating Growth: EDO Websites as Catalysts for Business AttractionAn economic development organization’s (EDO) website is often the first thing potential investors, businesses, and site selectors see when they are researching potential locations for expansion or relocation. Does your EDO website make a good first impression? It needs to. We can help you get there.

Our newest white paper:

🎯 explains why an EDO website is so important

🎯 shares six key elements of an effective EDO website

🎯 offers examples of EDO websites that get it right

🎯 explains how to build ongoing relationships with the target audiences that visit your website

Download it today!