Dawn Hammond
Economic Data and Research Analyst
Phone: 518-899-2608, Ext. 127
Email: dawn@camoinassociates.com

Dawn brings several years of experience in economics, workforce development, and outdoor recreation management to Camoin Associates. She is excited to use her skills and knowledge to help improve communities across the United States.
Prior to joining Camoin Associates, Dawn worked as a research associate with the University of Maine’s Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center. As an associate researcher, Dawn contributed to a variety of community development projects for Maine’s county and state governments.
Dawn is dedicated to providing clients with creative, data-backed solutions to the issues impacting their communities.
Real Results
Dawn recently joined the Camoin Associates team. These project were all performed in previous roles.
Labor Market Audit | State of Maine | This labor market audit included a written report and the development of multiple Tableau data dashboards for Maine’s policymakers and the public. Dawn assisted with data collection, analysis, and dashboard formatting. She also created the accompanying report and dashboard user guide. This project will allow policymakers and the public to explore Maine’s labor market from the supply side as well as the demand side.
Hadlock Field Economic Impact Analysis | Portland, ME | This project examined the economic impact of hosting several new year-round events at Seadogs Stadium, a minor league baseball stadium in Portland, ME. Using information provided by the Seadogs and IMPLAN software, Dawn estimated how a construction project and new year-round activities would affect the city and state economies. She was also responsible for writing and designing the final report.
Economic Development Assessment | Piscataquis County, ME | As an analyst on this project, Dawn focused on identifying workforce and industry trends. She also analyzed and interpreted the results from a survey of the county’s business owners and wrote and designed the final report. This assessment and the resulting strategy provided the people of Piscataquis County with a tailored, achievable economic development plan.