Tom Dworetsky, AICP

Vice President and Director of Research

Phone: 518-899-2608, Ext. 125


Vice President and Director of Research Tom Dworetsky

Tom’s role at Camoin Associates focuses on harnessing the power of data to uncover economic development opportunities and measure the results of strategic implementation. As leader of Camoin Associates’ Data Team, he is well versed in a broad array of economic data sources and methodologies that get to the core of critical research questions and produce insights that lead to action.

Having analyzed dozens of distinct industries across the economy, Tom is adept at leveraging industry research to inform strategic planning initiatives. He has led and completed a variety of supply chain studies, economic and fiscal impact analyses, and real estate analyses. His work has included quantifying the impacts of complex policies and plans, building pro forma financial models for large development projects, and conducting regional and site-specific market analyses for a range of communities and land use types.

As a certified planner with experience in real estate and land use planning, Tom brings expertise for tackling challenges in communities with unique market conditions and land use patterns. He has a special interest in strategies for downtown revitalization and the positive economic impacts that reinvigorating historic town centers can have on communities. Taking a data-driven approach, Tom has advanced innovative, community-specific initiatives to spur revitalization through redevelopment, business attraction, adaptive reuse, and other creative methods.

Tom holds a Master’s of City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from Boston University. He has an AICP certification from the American Planning Association.

Real Results

Scarborough Downs Redevelopment Market Analysis | Scarborough, ME | Tom spearheaded a comprehensive real estate market analysis of the greater Portland region to inform the types of development that would be best supported as part of a large-scale, mixed-use development project. The analysis included a detailed assessment of residential and commercial market trends, including an assessment of the scale and mix-of-use types that are needed to support the development of a new downtown village district.

Economic Impact of Coastal Management Investment | State of Louisiana  Economic Development | Faced with the accelerating impacts of climate change and sea level rise on its communities, the State of Louisiana is making vast investments in coastal protection and restoration projects. Tom served as senior analyst on an economic impact analysis that identified coastal management supply chain industries and quantified the potential economic benefits of this spending in these industries within Louisiana.

Making the Case for Downtowns  |  Connecticut Main Street Center  |  Tom served as lead analyst for a comprehensive research project into the economic value of high-density downtowns. As part of this work, Tom led the development of a Downtown Development Economic Impact Model that has been used by communities across Connecticut to measure the economic and fiscal impacts of various types of downtown development on towns and cities.

Business Park Repositioning Analysis | MassDevelopment and Town of Chelmsford, MA | The aging infrastructure, high vacancy, and disparate ownership of a large suburban business park in Chelmsford, MA, spurred the need for the town to better understand market trends and pursue strategies to elevate the park’s appeal. Tom served as project manager and senior analyst on the project, conducting an existing conditions assessment, real estate market analysis, and targeted industry cluster analysis. The analysis has been used to inform the town’s repositioning strategy for the park.

Return on Infrastructure Investment Analysis | City of North Port, FL | Tom conducted an analysis that measured the tax revenue generation potential of extending water and wastewater infrastructure to unserved development areas in the fast-growing city of North Port on Florida’s west coast. The analysis measured the return on investment of new commercial and industrial taxable assessed value that would result from each dollar of infrastructure investment by the City. The analysis is being used by the city to prioritize infrastructure projects and promote economic development.