• Project
  • Southeast
  • Suburban
  • Town/City/Village
  • Strategic Planning

City of Coral Springs, FL Economic Development Strategic Plan

The Challenge

Coral Springs is a suburban community pursuing an economic development strategy that will prepare them to adapt to current and future market trends. Because the city is 98% developed, economic development efforts lean toward strategies that enable growth through business expansion and redevelopment. With no established city center, the City took the step of designating a Downtown Mixed Used District to foster the creation of a downtown that will entice new investment and establishments for residents to eat, drink, shop, and be entertained. With regulatory guidelines in place, a clear roadmap for desired development is critical to accomplishing the city’s vision.

The Solution

After several rounds of on-site and digital engagement with the business community and residents it became clear that the success of Coral Springs’ economic development efforts came down to a two-pronged approach – 1) a data-based system that will strategically inform the city’s policies and actions and 2) a concerted effort across all city departments to re-evaluate how services are delivered across the city. Improving the communication tactics of the economic development office was also critical to actively communicate ongoing improvements and developments within the city.

The Impact

The Economic Development Strategic Plan was unanimously approved by the City Commission in December 2018. By the close out of the planning process, several inter-departmental initiatives to improve regulatory processes were already underway or completed. Shortly after the project, the City reengaged Camoin Associates to provide economic impact analysis for one of the last developable parcels in the city and evaluate whether it met the stated goals of the Economic Development Strategic Plan.