• Project
  • Southeast
  • County
  • Industry Analytics and Strategy
  • Information Technology, Semiconductors, and AI

Loudoun County, VA Emerging Opportunity and Strategy Development

July 30, 2021 Rachel Selsky, AICP

The Challenge

The Loudoun County Department of Economic Development (DED) needed an update to their 2012 Cluster Analysis, specifically refining their business attraction efforts to focus more closely on specific emerging opportunities.

The Solution

Camoin Associates and Innovation Policyworks updated the cluster analysis and included a data literature review on their core clusters. Camoin Associates identified Highly Specialized Manufacturing and certain subsectors of IT as having a particular strength within the county’s growing economy due to locational assets, workforce, infrastructure, and overall market shifts. We dug further into national and international market trends to offer recommendations around specific subsectors and how Loudoun can support the growth of these sectors. Additionally, we focused on opportunities surrounding their new Transit Oriented Development districts around the D.C. Metro stations and how they can capitalize on these stations to enhance their economic growth.

The Impact

The opportunities and constraints identified during the analysis helped create a foundation for the development of guiding principles for Loudoun County to pursue these emerging opportunities. The work has led to investments, new jobs, review of policy impacting economic development, and continued growth in jobs and residents.