Strategic Planning >

Economic Resiliency

The ability to withstand disruption

Improving economic resiliency in a local or regional economy requires the capacity to respond to potential risks and act accordingly.  The more a community has its “act together,” the better positioned it will be in acting together in moments of disruption and hardship.

At Camoin Associates we approach resiliency from a holistic perspective, combining data, engagement, strategic thinking, and adaptive foresight to support more resilient and adaptable communities.

A lighthouse in a storm illustrates the concept of economic resiliency

Our Economic Resiliency Services and Expertise

Strategic Planning

Produce proactive, holistic, and strategic action plans that identify critical needs and solutions to ensure future economic growth, diversity, and sustainability.

Organizational & Leadership Development

Build organizational capacity and improve decision-making abilities and civic infrastructure to better meet the demands of today and tomorrow.

Data Analytics

Identify and prepare sectors of the economy that are at risk and those that are primed to take advantage of future opportunities following disruptions.

Performance Evaluation

Design a robust management control and accountability system for tracking economic resiliency.

Inclusive Engagement

Make sure you are bringing the right voices to the table to inform decisions that will impact and benefit all in the community.

Impact Analysis

Measure the impact of potential changes for informed and resilient decision-making.

Get Started
Want to Learn More About Our Economic Resiliency Services?

Daniel Gundersen, FM, HLM

Contact Daniel Gundersen, FM, HLM, Senior Vice President:
P 804-625-2650